Diabetic Care
Danger! You Might Not Feel It
Of all the conditions that affect the diabetic foot, most stem from neuropathy or neuritis, which may leave the foot insensitive to pain. Without this warning signal, the diabetic foot is in danger of succumbing to irritations and infections.
Although gangrene and amputation are the most drastic result, simple neglect can lead to these catastrophic consequences.
Self-help + Self-care = Success
Aggressive care of the diabetic foot can offset or alleviate potentially painful and irreversible damage that can decrease the quality of your life. Good medical care and simple foot care can prevent problems that could lead to catastrophic consequences or even amputation.
Basic Essentials of Foot Care
A simple regimen of daily care can go a long way toward lessening or eliminating foot complications. Basic essentials of foot care are:
WASHING and drying your feet thoroughly every day. Use a towel to dry and massage between the toes. This keeps the area dry and removes dead skin. Be careful of water temperature. Test with your hands first.
INSPECTION: If you have insensitive feet, you may be unaware of blisters, sores, cuts, and scratches that would be painful to a non-diabetic person. For this reason your feet must be inspected daily. This includes the top, bottom, heel, and between the toes. Use a hand mirror or magnifying glass. Ask a family member or friend to help if your eyesight is poor or you can’t bend close enough to inspect your feet carefully. It is important to get these areas under control. What you do every day is very important to your life and health success.
SHOE INSPECTION: Shoes offer protection and even treatment of diabetic conditions. It is important to get medical advice on what shoes are best for your feet. It is equally important to have good shoes fitted by a professional. Inspect the insides of your shoes every day for foreign objects such as nail points, debris, or torn linings. It is important to change your socks or stockings daily. Wear fitted seamless socks and never wear mended socks.
Families of Diabetics
It is important for family members of a person with diabetes to understand the basics of diabetes. This will help to recognize the dangers. It is also important to encourage and remind that person how to stay healthy.
Walking around the world. The foot is a highly complex structure containing 26 bones, 29 joints, and 42 muscles. In a lifetime, the average person will walk 115,00 miles or more. It is not surprising that even a “healthy” person with normal nerve function and circulation can develop many foot problems. For the person with diabetes, whole nerve and circulatory functions are impaired. Foot problems are more common and serious. Neglect of a diabetic foot problem can lead to severe complications.
A Daily Walk-- Even a Short One-- Helps.
Improving the blood supply to the feet can often help keep them healthy. One way is by walking, which exercises the legs without causing physical stress to the feet. If the weather is bad, walk around the house or go mall walking!
If You Are a Diabetic, You Should NOT Do the Following:
Drink alcohol
Walk barefooted, especially on hot surfaces
Soak your feet
Use adhesive tape
Wear shoes without socks
Wear between-the-toe sandals
Sit with legs crossed or sleep with ankles crossed
Apply heat to feet
Cut corns or calluses (always see a foot care specialist)
Use chemical agents for removal of corns or calluses
Use corn plasters